Friday 4 May 2018

Marketing in the age of AI

Many of us were introduced to the world of Artificial Intelligence by James Cameron through Terminator. Since then the concept was more or less developing in labs. Since 2016, AI started gaining momentum and popularity, now it is a hot topic in the business world & everyone is discussing on how artificial intelligence is going to bring big changes in the day to day functioning of organizations and its activities. 

Among the various fields that are going to get affected, the fields that are  directly related to offering customer experience will see the most disruptive changes. The role of AI in marketing will be how well the organizations are going to adapt AI concepts to improvise the customer experience. Offering a better customer experience need not be an entirely new application or method, it can simultaneously be a small change that reduces the time and effort of the user. 

The age of Predictive Marketing
A time when data is the most valuable resource and all our activities are monitored and recorded online we can be rest assured that we are in an age of   predictive marketing. One attribute of AI that is going to make a big impact for brands are Data Mining. It is assumed that daily nearly 4 billion Facebook messages are posted and google processes more than 5.5 billion search results.
This amounts of a big amount of data. In-depth analysis of such data will be crucial for behavioral forecasting and this eventually help the brands to do segmentation of customers. Closely understanding the needs and wants of customers will help the brands to fine tune their offering accordingly. Along with reducing the workload this will also increase the work of marketers, as more time is required for strategy building and campaign planning. How fast and how close you understand the possible needs of your potential customer will differentiate the success one brand from another. Thus the coming age will see more of Geo-targeting, voice search, automated content creation and personalized offerings. 

Certainly an ecosystem that can suggest us things before we initiate the request will be a curious one to deal with.

Image source:Freepik

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