Thursday 16 January 2014

Good Communication in Ads

Like any other marketing mix, effective communication also plays a vital role in the success of a product. Having a good product may not be enough if the marketers doesn't know how well to communicate it to the target consumers. Marketer should answer the what, why & when along with deciding the content of the ads. Every ad should be able to catch the attention of the viewers in the first stage before creating the interest among them. It should evoke a desire to the viewers or targets to try the product. The communication should not be of any false claim or statement & towards the end all the above efforts should result in an action of purchase. Communications should not hurt any kind of sentiments and while making ads in regional language the makers should certainly double check on the translations. When & How to communicate also plays an important role in the success of an ad. Ads during local festivals with special offers and schemes are always attractive to the buyers. Selection of the right medium is another channel that will decide on the effectiveness. Right medium will go like an arrow shot from the bow, mostly right on target.

Note: Image shown is just for example with good intentions.

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